Why take the SHSAT/SSAT?
The SHSAT / SSAT are usually the first major exams that students will take during their academic careers. Because these exams will determine where your middle school student will go for high school, it is important to build good study and test taking habits early.
These exams are the "little siblings" of the SAT/ACT, measuring the students' aptitude in reading, writing and math. Most of the concepts that are tested on these exams are not taught early enough in school, leaving most students at an unfair disadvantage. Thus, here at Kappa Academy, we focus on learning, reviewing and practicing these concepts so that the students are confident in their ability when exam day comes.
This is just the beginning of their journey and we hope to be their starting block in their academy journey to success!

Program Structure
Based on the students' placement exam, we will be dividing them into smaller groups. Depending on which group they are placed in, we may provide different materials and/or program structure as each group has varying needs.
The students will be practicing and reviewing each of the subjects on the SHSAT/SSAT. If the students have any questions, we encourage them to ask them in class or via email.
June 29th -
Aug. 13th
Monday - Thursday:
9:30AM - 2:30PM
Friday (Odd weeks only):
9:30AM - 1:00PM
sept. 11th -
Oct. 19th
Monday OR Wednesday:
5:30PM - 7:00PM
9:30AM - 3:30PM
feb. 8th -
june 5th
9:00AM - 12:10PM
EARLY BIRD: $1,580